Student Guide

Once in Italy

Residence Permit

After landing in Italy, the first document you have to obtain is the residence permit (permesso di soggiorno), which allows you to reside in Italy for longer than three months. You will have 8 days to submit the official request.

You will have 8 working days to submit an official request. Upon request, a member of our Student Administration Office can assist you with bureaucratic procedures.

What you need:
 ●  Four photos in ID format
 ●  Photocopy of entire passport
 ●  Two photocopies of your passport with official stamps issued in the Italian Embassy of your home country
 ●  Copy of the Enrollment Letter with the official stamp of the Embassy
 ●  Proof of health insurance
 ●  Tax stamp(s)
 ●  Duly filled out forms from the Kit

What is the "Kit"?
The "Kit" includes the forms that are necessary to submit a new request for a residence permit. It looks like an envelope with a yellow stripe, which can be found in almost all post offices with the service “Sportello Amico”

You will be able to monitor the progress of your request here:

The local police station (Questura) will arrange an appointment with you within 4 and 10 months, but in the meantime the receipt of the payment is valid to reside in Italy.


Once in Italy

Fiscal Code

The Italian tax code/fiscal code (codice fiscale) is "a means of identification of foreign citizens in their relations with public authorities and other administrations" (source: Agenzia delle Entrate official website).

For example, you will need it to:
 ●   open a bank account
 ●  access the public healthcare system
 ●  rent a property

A fiscal code will be assigned to you together with your residence permit.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Once in Italy

Health Insurance

For the non-EU citizens, you can choose to pay for a private insurance or register with the Italian national healthcare system, or Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN). The SSN guarantees free or low-cost medical care.

To learn more, you can visit the official website of Agenzia delle Entrate (

If you are a EU citizen, the European health insurance card is valid during the first three months. If you are a UK citizen, the same is valid for a Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC). After that, you can register with the SSN free of charge.

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